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July 5, 2022

Jayson Williams Success Story Overcoming Insecurities with True Core

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Everyone has felt insecure at some point in their lives. It's a normal part of life that most people go through. For some, it is a never-ending battle with themselves, especially with their physical appearance. This can result in low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy, which no one should have to go through.

Jayson Williams experienced the same issue before beginning his journey with True Core. He was dissatisfied with his appearance, had become stagnant in his movements, and frequently felt sluggish and unmotivated to start healthy self-care habits. As Jayson attempted to solve the problem on his own, he became frustrated. The frustration manifested itself in the form of doubt and excuses, with him claiming that it was too early or that he had no time after work for himself. However, once he started putting together three days a week, he couldn't stop.

When Jayson begins his journey with True Core has the best feeling and experience he has ever had. Currently, he is combining physical fitness like CrossFit and running with mental and emotional wellness such as mindfulness and meditation and fine-tuning nutrition. These components were done piece by piece, and he began by simply going to True Core every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After two years, that evolved to 5 a.m. five days a week. Jayson also learned about macronutrients and food choices, began running a mile at a time, and committed to daily mindfulness activities at the beginning and end of his day.

Jayson becomes a better person by committing to living authentically for himself and keeping positive energy around him. The impact is priceless because when he looks in the mirror now, he is not already displeased with what he sees, but instead, he smiles as he looks at himself, and he feels happy. With the right plan of action, anyone can make significant changes to their overall health and fitness. All it takes is making small efforts every day.

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