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July 5, 2022

What are Pull-Up Types in CrossFit Classes?

Pullups are a very common movement in CrossFit classes. There are several variations of Pullups that you will often see such as Kipping Pullups, Strict Pullups, and Chest to Bar Pullups.

Regardless of your current level it is important to understand the proper progressions through these movements to help enhance your class experience and progress to new skills.

Here is the progression athletes should follow when developing Pullups and video links to demonstrate the movements.

First Strict Pull-ups 

Having the capacity to complete 3-5 Strict Pull-ups is a must before progressing to Kipping Pull-ups.

Strict Pullups can be substituted in class for Band Assisted Pullups or Ring Rows

Second Kipping PullupsCombine the pulling strength with a well developed kip swing for a gymnastic style Kipping Pullup

Kipping Pullups can be substituted with Jumping Pullups for class WODs

Third Butterfly Pullups

Once you are comfortable with gymnastic Kipping Pull-ups it's time to progress to butterfly style kipping.


Follow same progression for Chest to Bar Pullups once regular Pullups have been achieved Strict, Kipping, Butterfly

Want to get a personalized pull-up program? Schedule a free athlete check-in to get started towards that first pull-up! 

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