WHY TRUE CORE IS MORE THAN JUST A GYM --- Ann Warfield Success Story

One of the most important things to consider when joining a gym is whether or not you feel like they care about your goals.
By True Core
True Core
WHY TRUE CORE IS MORE THAN JUST A GYM --- Ann Warfield Success Story

One of the most important things to consider when joining a gym is whether or not you feel like they care about your goals.  You want to make sure that you can trust this new home base with all of your fitness needs because if anything goes wrong, there will be no turning back. 

Ann Warfield has been suffering from chronic lower back and hip pain since December 2020. Every day, she suffers from pain while sitting, standing, or even walking. It's tragic for her, and she, like most chronic pain patients, lives in fear of never getting better.

When she discovered True Core, she also found an excellent in-house physical therapist. Dr. Christy's diagnostic and treatment abilities are impressive! The healing process, which is taking far longer than anyone wants it to at her age, begins right away with at-home exercises. She then quietly observes one’s workouts and modifies their behavior as a result which other physical therapists don't really do.

After learning that she has a true injury and not just her usual whining, not only the True Core staff, but several coaches approach her and give her the attention she requires in her case. They offer some advice and continue to tell her scales for the workouts no ands', ifs', or buts'. So when Ann requested a seniors class to help her change the expectations of her body/age, they launched a first-rate program, and she was so inspired to see so many seniors gathered in one room, all striving to do their best within the constraints of their age. She is still not completely healed, so she is taking her care to the next level by finding regenerative orthopedics, which she found at True Core, where they are giving a free lecture. The real kicker is that her PT will accompany her to the orthopedist for her first appointment so that everyone is on the same page. 

Ann can't think of another gym on the planet that offers more comprehensive care than True Core. Ultimately, True Core is about more than just your physical health. It’s a place where you can get help and support with meeting any goal that you want to reach in life.

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